Annual GLANAM Workshops
Annual GLANAM Workshops
Annual GLANAM workshops will be organised at the beginning of each year of the life of the network. The workshop will be attended by all Fellows and all available supervisors, and will bring together the whole GLANAM network. Specific activities at the meetings will include (i) keynote lectures presented by invited leading specialists (including visiting scientists), (ii) Fellows presenting and discussing their research, including being exposed to questioning by their scientific peers; (iii) networking with all early-stage and senior participants of the network; (iv) a 1 – 4 day skills course provided by UDUR research development trainers, usually immediately prior to the scientific elements of the workshop; (v) a specific GLANAM-focussed science training activity, usually a post-workshop field excursion specifically designed to promote debate within the network. A typical workshop might thus look like this: 4 day workshop on enterprise skills (mostly Fellows only) followed by 2 days of keynotes and project science presentations (All), 1 day of networking events (All) and Supervisory Board meeting (SB members); 2 day field excursion (All). All the presentations will be podcasted and made available on the GLANAM website where other written material can be downloaded. The workshops will be organised in sequence in the following locations: Bergen, Durham, Spitsbergen, Ulster. The locations have been carefully chosen such that each workshop will be followed by a field excursion or cruise to examine geological and geophysical records of glaciated margins around the North Atlantic, and where participants will have the opportunity to collectively examine and debate key localities (See short field courses listed above). These field excursions will also provide a further opportunity to improve cohesion within GLANAM. Organisation of the annual workshop will automatically involve Fellows at the workshop’s host institution: this experience will improve their organization skills and can be a good test for organising / conveying future larger events. The workshop will be attended by all members of the network and will be open to max 25 external participants, in order to promote scientific cooperation. The Supervisory Board will also meet at each workshop. We will run transferable skills course for Fellows immediately before each workshop. The GLANAM start-up workshop will be the first annual workshop and will be held in Bergen at the beginning of the life of the network (April 2013) and will last 3 days. Introductory lectures will be given by the network partners (research interest, facilities, expertise) and a few selected keynote speakers. The needs and concerns of the different sectors involved (industry, academia, regulators) will be articulated, discussed and summarised. Associated partners will introduce themselves and provide further detail on the training they offer and their capacity. The research questions and approaches of all individual projects will be briefly presented by the Fellows and discussed by the assembled network. A field excursion on the Quaternary Glaciation of the area around Jæren (SW Norway) will be organised to stimulate debate of the geological record of glaciated margins and to promote cohesion of the network of Fellows and supervisors. The final workshop will be widely publicised and will present the results obtained by GLANAM. It will follow a similar structure to the Annual workshops. We will dedicate 1-2 days to coordinating the internal and external dissemination and final write-up of GLANAM. A specific part of the final project meetings will also be set aside to assessing the contribution of GLANAM, cementing its legacy, and planning future activity around Glaciated North Atlantic Margins, so as to build on the momentum created by this ITN.
- GLANAM Newsletter 13 – October 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 12 – August 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 11 – June 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 10 – April 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 9 – February 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 8 – December 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 7 – October 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 6 – August 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 5 – June 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 4 – April 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 3 – February 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 2 – April 2014
- GLANAM Newsletter 1 – November 2013