Benedict Reinardy
Benedict Reinardy
I completed my undergraduate degree in Geography at St Andrews University before going to Royal Holloway University of London to do my Masters in Quaternary Science. After this I went to Swansea University to do my PhD in glaciology that was also jointly run with the British Antarctic Survey where I worked on the dynamics of palaeo-ice streams on the West Antarctic shelf. My first postdoc was in the Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and Granada University in southern Spain investigating the stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Pliocene.
I am an associated member of GLANAM and my postdoc here in Bergen is a collaboration between the university and Lundin. I am combining a regional 3D seismic dataset with numerous commercial well and shallow core data in the northern North Sea to identify the changing sediment type and architecture from the Late Pliocene to Present. To be able to refine the chronology of the Plio-Pleistocene sediments I will be carrying out new dating analyses on shallow cores/well material and correlating this to mapped seismic horizons across the study area.
- GLANAM Newsletter 13 – October 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 12 – August 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 11 – June 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 10 – April 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 9 – February 2016
- GLANAM Newsletter 8 – December 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 7 – October 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 6 – August 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 5 – June 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 4 – April 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 3 – February 2015
- GLANAM Newsletter 2 – April 2014
- GLANAM Newsletter 1 – November 2013