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Elena Grimoldi

PhD Student – Durham University

Project: “Pleistocene ice sheet history of the Western North Sea”.
Supervisors: Dave Roberts (Durham, UK), David Evans (Durham, UK), Hans Petter Sejrup (Bergen, Norway), Haflidi Haflidason (Bergen, Norway), Berit Hjelstuen (Bergen, Norway).

I have started a PhD at Durham University in October, 2013 as part of the GLANAM project.

The aim of my project is to enhance understanding of the stratigraphic architecture of the Pleistocene sediments in the western North Sea Basin and to reconstruct the ice sheet dynamics through time.

The project will utilise sediment cores from existing datasets (e.g. BGS) and collect new high-resolution geophysical (multibeam bathymetry, backscatter and chirp sub-bottom acoustic) and borehole data from offshore areas adjacent to the east coast of the UK.


For both my Bachelor and Master studies I attended the University of Milano – Bicocca in Milan, Italy. I obtained my Master Degree in Geological Sciences and Technologies in March, 2013.

My studies were focused on Marine Coastal and Deep Sea Geology and Geomorphology and Paleoclimatology.

My Master thesis consisted in the geochemical analysis of Holocene eastern Mediterranean sediments and it was focused on the most recent sapropel, S1. This project was the result of a collaboration between Milano – Bicocca and Utrecht University (The Netherlands) and my supervisors were Dr Elisa Malinverno (University of Milano – Bicocca) and Professor Gert J. De Lange (Utrecht University).

The aim of the project was a better understanding of the climatic conditions responsible for sapropels formation in the Mediterranean Sea.