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Julia Hofmann

As I always wanted to focus on the marine aspect of geosciences, I chose the University of Bremen for my bachelor and master studies. During this time I became acquainted with a wide range of geologic processes and scientific methods, including field and laboratory work as well as data processing and analysis. I used every opportunity to gain a diversified and broad education, but my special interest belongs to the Arctic realm. Because I sought to make first-hand experience, I took the initiative to spend a year at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). There, I attended graduate courses in the disciplines of Arctic Geology and Arctic Technology. This unique experience encouraged me to pursue independent research in glacial processes in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere – with all the technological, climatic, and personal challenges this environment brings about.

Recently, I have obtained my MSc degree in marine geosciences by completing a thesis on the reconstruction of the Quaternary circum-Arctic ice sheet history and Arctic Ocean-circulation patterns by means of sedimentary records from the Alpha Ridge. In this connection, I acquired profound knowledge of the glacial history, archives of paleo-environmental developments and climatic variations, as well as climatic drivers and feedback mechanisms. Moreover, I learned to appreciate high-resolution, multiproxy, and multidisciplinary approaches in solving scientific questions.

In the framework of my GLANAM PhD project on the West Greenland glaciated margin history, I am going to use deep reflection-seismic data to map the glacigenic wedges and identify spatial / temporal changes in depocentres linked to the trough mouth fan systems in central and south West Greenland. Shallow seismic profiles combined with seabed multibeam data will provide more detailed information on the processes associated with the most recent glacial cycle and evidence for / against a Greenland Ice Sheet advance to the shelf break during the LGM. Furthermore, an IRD-provenance study on samples from the central Baffin Bay will enable the investigation of the onset of shelf-based glaciation in West Greenland.